Car GFX || Feedback

I made this GFX within a few hours and wanted to know if you guys like it.

Like are very appreciated and I would like to hear your feedback!


wow this amazing, you should get paid to do this kind of thing, you have a talent


It’s not pretty bad! I really like it, honestly.
Great Job :+1:


I do commissions so I get paid. Although I didn’t have any commission from a long time. Thanks for the feedback!

I appreciate the feedback a lot! Thank you!

That looks pretty good - a bit too much smoke in front of the cars (I would think the smoke would go behind the cars)

Remember though, this sort of work is still liable to copyright - and I don’t know if you have permisison to use Chevrolet’s branding.
Just something to keep in mind for the future.

Btw - that floor is very reflective for concrete.

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Good point about the smoke. Thanks a lot about the copyright issue, but should I take this down or not because of using Chevrolet’s branding?