Car hitbox completely ruining car functionality

I want to make a car that has a hitbox which I will eventually use to damage players with. The problem is, is that whenever I use this hitbox, my car can’t move.

Car Code
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local car = script.Parent
local ID = car.ID

local backLeft = car.BackLeft
local backRight = car.BackRight
local frontRight = car.FrontRight
local frontLeft = car.FrontLeft

local seat = car.VehicleSeat

local steerAngle = 30
local maxSpeed = seat.MaxSpeed / (frontLeft.Wheel.Size.Y/2)

	if ServerStorage.ServerStatus.Value ~= "Round" or ServerStorage.ServerStatus.Value ~= "Countdown" then return end
	local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
	if player then
		if player.UserId == ID then

	frontLeft.PartB.SteeringConstraint.TargetAngle = steerAngle * seat.SteerFloat
	frontRight.PartB.SteeringConstraint.TargetAngle = steerAngle * seat.SteerFloat

	frontLeft.Wheel.MotorConstraint.AngularVelocity = maxSpeed * seat.ThrottleFloat
	frontRight.Wheel.MotorConstraint.AngularVelocity = maxSpeed * -seat.ThrottleFloat
	backLeft.Wheel.MotorConstraint.AngularVelocity = maxSpeed * seat.ThrottleFloat
	backRight.Wheel.MotorConstraint.AngularVelocity = maxSpeed * -seat.ThrottleFloat

What the car shouldn’t look like:

(My car can’t move and it is sort of stretched out when the rigid constraints inside of it should automatically be forcing it towards the body of the car.)

Also if I destroy this hitbox it completely immobilizes every part because my weldconstraints are inside the hitbox from automatically using the Roblox Constraints Editor.

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My player cannot even load into the game so I’m falling through parts that have CanCollide set to true.

It appears that this is an issue with how you set up your constraints. So, how did you set up your constraints?

From this video I used steering constraints on PartB to PartA and MotorConstraints from the PartAs to the wheels.

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I can’t even load into the map, my character is completely falling through objects. What could have done this?

My character spawns into the game with no body parts.

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Nevermind I set default collision groups to false.

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Have you tried setting up NoCollisionConstraint from the wheels and axel to the collision box?


I made 4 NoCollisionConstraints for the wheels to not collide with the hitbox but the same thing happened. I also remember using NoCollisionConstraints but I don’t remember how I used them.

I also made a NoCollisionConstraint for every part paired with the hitbox but nothing changed.