Car issue going up ramps

I know this isnt the mechanic forum but Iā€™m having an issue with a car I made I have never made a car before, and this is really my first-time using physics constraints.

the problem is I want my car to go up ramps right? pretty cool stuff yeah. But it wont go up the ramps.

robloxapp-20220724-0844240.wmv (9.9 MB)
sorry that the video isnt an mp4 the size was to big :confused: sorry the video quality was bad too if there is any other info u would like to know please comment

also I made the car with this tutorial

I dont under stand why it has such an issue going up ramps and even when it does it basically falls off after climbing it

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Just make your wheels larger.

Steep ramps require larger wheels and more speed, shallow ramps can handle your small wheels and slower speed, thats why the last ramp is no issue.

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but itll mess up design ill try it anyway tho

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well it didnt really work and I cant change wheel size It messes up my suspension and it looks really bad

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That is practically a vertical wall, I would suggest raycasting and utilizing body movers if you want it to be able to drive on walls and whatnot.

no that ramp in the middle should ridable but A normal car the wall ramp is just used for my crash effects and physics

thats because u must use bodygyro to rotate car according to the ground so it doesnt overturn and stuff, by using bodygyro u must raycast under the car to detect the normal of the ground in which the car is above and then do some calculations :slight_smile: