I made a simple car chassis to add a car body on. However, when I drive the car the back wheels are shaking uncontrollable. Can someone point me in the right direction to fix this? I added the model and a short video clip for reference.
The attachments and the hinge constraints are exactly positioned as the front wheels. I turned off cancollide on the chassis and the wheels are not bouncing as much.
As @grimmerschool2 said, your Attachments do not look like they are aligned.
In your Model tab click on Show Constraints.
It’ll give you a visual representation of where the Attachments are, and if you click on the HingeConstraint (the brown flat cylinder) it will show you if the Position and Orientation of the Attachments is different.
All your wheels should have the HingeConstraintAttachment at Position 0,0,0 (not the WorldPosition) so the wheel spins around the middle with no offset.
The attachments seemed like they are aligned correctly to me. But, I will check the alignment again and change the world positions for the wheels to confirm if these solutions will work.
I’d recommend deleting the constraints and putting on new ones. Make sure that your move increment is set to 1, so that it automatically puts the hinge constraint in the middle of the wheel.
ALSO, you can try adding no collide constraints between the main body and the wheels