Car not rotating or moving properly

This is my first actual car I am creating and I did get the car to move but when I start trying to steer it the wheels get all wobbly and when I press only “W” to make the car move foward it moves foward at the same time it moves left. Here is the video:
robloxapp-20210528-0008409.wmv (3.2 MB) (Sorry u dont have to see it)
local script:

local car = script:WaitForChild("Car").Value
local seat = car.Chassis.VehicleSeat

local motor1 = car.Chassis.Platform.MotorFR
local motor2 = car.Chassis.Platform.MotorFL

local Attachment1 = car.Chassis.Wheel2.WheelFR.Attachment1
local Attachment2 = car.Chassis.Wheel1.WheelFL.Attachment1

local maxspeed = 30
local steerAngle = 30
local torque = 0

seat.Changed:Connect(function(property)--Getting the property that has changed
	if property == "Steer" then
		local steerGoal =,steerAngle * seat.steer,0)
		Attachment1.Orientation =
		Attachment2.Orientation =
	elseif property == "Throttle" then
		torque = seat.Torque
		local throttle = seat.Throttle
		throttle = (maxspeed * throttle) * torque
		motor1.AngularVelocity = -throttle
		motor2.AngularVelocity = throttle

change this

local steerGoal =,steerAngle * seat.steer,0)

to this

local steerGoal =,steerAngle * seat.SteerFloat,0)