Car Pathfinding Help

Hello im trying to make a simple pathfinding car that drives to the waypoint (I want to try to make it look like its actually driving like a human so the turns are humanlike) it doesnt have to be too complicated but I have tried and failed. I am now trying to use the Roblox Racing Template buggy chasis but i have to significantly scale it down to fit the car model im using, I tried editing the attachments but It still drives wonky.

Is there anyway to fix this? Or is there another way to accomplish this?

I have attached the edited chasis and the target point:
ChasisModelWithTargetPoint.rbxm (49.8 KB)

Any help would be much appreciated!


If your car is a rig, and has a humanoid, i recommend disabling all of the can collide property from all parts, and try checking if the model of the property “scale” of the car model is really small or really big, if it is, try reverting it by clicking on the arrow, this may fix the problem or not. idk

Thank you @laheitorzito303030 for your suggestion, what worked for me is changed the rodconstraint to make it actually the distance between the two attachments (cant believe I didn’t think of that lol)

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Lol, but anyways, no problem for i trying to help, have fun with ur game!