Car Spawning System - Spawn Pads

i am currently trying to make a car spawning system, instead of having all the vehicles in the same place and ready to spawn whenever the button is clicked, I would like to have the vehicle teleport to one of the spawning pads.


i have a folder named “CHP_Spawns”, and in this folder I have 12 different pads that the vehicle can spawn on. how would i select one of these and teleport the vehicle on the pad in the center?

ive tried this in the past and the vehicles always printed out errors, or was facing the wrong direction when spawning with no visible explanation to why it was doing it.

You could have the vehicle teleport to a CFrame a bit above the pad, so it does not collide with the ground.

To achieve the spawning in the first place though you have asked for a pad to be picked for the car to spawn on. Use math.random(1,12) to randomly pick a pad, and check if there is a vehicle on it by using pad:GetTouchingParts(). This function returns a table of parts that are currently colliding/touching the host basepart. Do keep in mind for that function to work you need to have a blank script that makes a pad.Touched event. (< I am not sure if this is needed but I ended up using it anyway). What this will do is make a touchinterest instance in the part. For example, just chuck an empty script like this in every pad:

local pad = script.Parent

-- leave this empty

Once this is sorted, just make sure that the pad that was randomly chosen has not got anything other than a character on it. This will make it easier for you as less filtering to see if the thing on it was a car. Just filter everything out. If the pad happened to have something on it, just restart the function and pick a new pad, and repeat until a pad is free.

You have found a free pad, great. Now, get the pad’s CFrame and modify it by a couple studs up using carClone.CFrame = pad.CFrame *, 2, 0). That should handle your car spawning.

The next issue you want to combat here is car positioning when it spawns. To make this as easy to maange as possible, you should turn your part to look at the position you want your car to face also. To help you with this just grab like an arrow mesh/part off the marketplace and set it’s LookVector using the studio command bar, and run the following command whenever you turn the part a certain way:

arrow.LookVector = pad.LookVector

and that should finally solve your car turning problem.
The reason your vehicles face a different way is because of their current LookVector that you place them in in studio, if your pads all face the same way and are in the same line, you don’t even need to bother with this, just make your vehicles face the same way as you’d like them to spawn on the pad and done.

This is a rough sketch of what you could do, and stuff might be a little wrong, which you can ask me about. Good luck making the spawner!

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-- Define the folder containing the spawning pads
local spawnFolder = game.Workspace.CHP_Spawns

-- Select a random pad from the folder
local spawnPad = spawnFolder:GetChildren()[math.random(1, #spawnFolder:GetChildren())]

-- Teleport the vehicle to the center of the selected pad
local vehicle = -- Reference to the spawned vehicle
vehicle:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(spawnPad.CFrame +, vehicle.PrimaryPart.Size.Y/2, 0))

This code assumes that the spawning pads are all direct children of the “CHP_Spawns” folder in the workspace. If they are nested deeper in the hierarchy, you may need to adjust the code accordingly.

The math.random function is used to select a random pad from the folder. The #spawnFolder:GetChildren() expression returns the number of children in the folder, which is used as the maximum value for the random number generator.

To teleport the vehicle to the center of the selected pad, the SetPrimaryPartCFrame method is used on the vehicle’s primary part. The spawnPad.CFrame represents the position and orientation of the selected pad, and, vehicle.PrimaryPart.Size.Y/2, 0) offsets the position upwards by half of the vehicle’s height to center it on the pad. Note that this assumes that the vehicle’s primary part is at the bottom center of the model, which may not be the case for all vehicles.

If you’re still encountering errors or the vehicle is facing the wrong direction, you may need to inspect the orientation of the spawning pads and adjust the code to rotate the vehicle accordingly. You can use the Vector3.ToOrientation() function to convert a vector into a rotation that can be applied to the vehicle’s primary part. For example:

local orientation = (spawnPad.CFrame - spawnPad.CFrame.p):ToOrientation()
vehicle:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(spawnPad.CFrame * CFrame.fromOrientation(0, orientation.Y, 0) +, vehicle.PrimaryPart.Size.Y/2, 0))

This code calculates the orientation of the selected pad as a rotation around the Y axis, and applies it to the vehicle’s primary part before centering it on the pad.

Hope this helps.


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