Car Spinning Predicament

For the most part my car is done, modeled and everything. But it doesn’t steer left or right. Instead, it spins as long as you hold the w or s key. Here’s where I believe the problem resides:

local speed = 60 
local Ang = 30 

	FL.AngularVelocity = vehicle_seat.Throttle * speed 
	FR.AngularVelocity = vehicle_seat.Throttle * speed 
	BL.AngularVelocity = vehicle_seat.Throttle * speed 
	BR.AngularVelocity = vehicle_seat.Throttle * speed

	FL.TargetAngle = vehicle_seat.Steer * Ang 
	FR.TargetAngle = vehicle_seat.Steer * Ang

that’s all. If you need more info i can show you the model.


What is “FL” and what is “FR”?

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Front Left Hinge and Front Right Hinge

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The hinges force could be causing the car to spin.

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Alright, ill see how it works now.

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not sure what you meant by force, as I lowered it and it only spins slower, but ive spotting something strange, the car isnt turning at the front, in fact the wheels are completely stationary

The wheels must be welded if they do not turn. Try making all surfaces smooth if not already, and checking welds.

POW! Solved. So what you want to do is apply an angular speed of 10 to the servo and a max torque of 10000 for the motor.

Also for VehicleSeat.Throttle make FrontRight and BackRight negative.
The reason it spun was because of this, until next time. :metal: :metal: :metal:

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