For the most part my car is done, modeled and everything. But it doesn’t steer left or right. Instead, it spins as long as you hold the w or s key. Here’s where I believe the problem resides:
local speed = 60
local Ang = 30
FL.AngularVelocity = vehicle_seat.Throttle * speed
FR.AngularVelocity = vehicle_seat.Throttle * speed
BL.AngularVelocity = vehicle_seat.Throttle * speed
BR.AngularVelocity = vehicle_seat.Throttle * speed
FL.TargetAngle = vehicle_seat.Steer * Ang
FR.TargetAngle = vehicle_seat.Steer * Ang
that’s all. If you need more info i can show you the model.
not sure what you meant by force, as I lowered it and it only spins slower, but ive spotting something strange, the car isnt turning at the front, in fact the wheels are completely stationary