Car steering sensitivity for mobile players

Hello, I was trying to make a simple system that would turn the wheel of a car based on the mobile joystick, normally if you turn left the wheel goes to the max angle. But if you lightly move the joystick to the left it goes to the max angle. I was trying out humanoid.MoveDirection but I couldn’t really get it to work.
(what I want to accomplish, yes I know this uses a prismatic)

(what would normally happen)

this is the code that i made doesn’t really work that well (i was reading off something about a turret and also this i’m only trying to use angles not prismatic or stuff like that

local turn = math.sqrt(humanoid.MoveDirection.X^2 + humanoid.MoveDirection.Z^2)
CarChair.Steer = CarChair.Steer
SteerHingeLeft.TargetAngle = CarChair.SteerFloat * turn
SteerHingeRight.TargetAngle = CarChair.SteerFloat * turn