Car Suspension Problems [Solved]

Hi, I am working on a race car game. I followed a tutorial on how to get good vehicle suspension and the car working. Yet when it was time to test the cars suspension it was bugged there was one wheel glitched into the car. I think it is something to do with the cylindrical constraints orientation. Due to mine not working properly and not being what it was in the tutorial because the arrows ,which shows the orientation, were in the wrong direction.
Screenshot (9)

Screenshot (11)


You can just use the ordinary Rotate tool.


That didnt fix it.

The car has now rotated in a new way ,but that might mean that this bug is being caused by orientation

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That actually semi solved it. I had to edit some other things but it was manly orientation. Only problem is one of the back wheels wobble around and the values seem to be messed up. Might make a new topic on that. The values thing is marly an assumption

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