My first idea was to just make the player massless. However when doing that it doesnt seem to change anything (yes its on the server and I did check if it was massless in the explorer in game). What I am basically doing is changing the attachment which is on the platform/part that connects the wheels for the spring and the cylindrical constraints orientation such that it will make the front wheels be angled such that they produce a force that causes me to turn however it seems to be extremely slow. The angle is 30 degrees.
Are both wheels being set to 45 degrees?
As you can see in the video, yes
script.Car.Value.Platform.Attachment0FL.Orientation =, 90+(-script.Car.Value.VehicleSeat.Steer * 30), script.Car.Value.Platform.Attachment0FL.Orientation.Z)
script.Car.Value.Platform.Attachment0FR.Orientation =, -90+(-script.Car.Value.VehicleSeat.Steer * 30), script.Car.Value.Platform.Attachment0FR.Orientation.Z)
I think the issue is your wheels are not traveling on the same path. Which is an issue that occurs when you use same angle steering. This makes it so your steering wheels aren’t turning on the same turning circle.
You could fix the issue by either expanding the wheel base, decrease the steering angle, or try to incorporate Ackermann Steering into your vehicle. The math in which I can’t really explain for but I’ll attach a video for that shows what it is if you want to explore that idea.
This is very odd, but setting the max torque of my wheels to something reasonable (it was math.huge before, made it 500) seemed to fix it. And yes, it still accelerates to full speed