Car wheels are turning the entire car

Car wheels are turning the entire car, how do I fix this?
This is the car model:
CAR CHASSIS.rbxm (14.0 KB)

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i’m pretty sure thats supposed to happen-

Thts supposed to happen…
If I’m not mistaken
Just separate wheels from chassis.
Use Motor6Ds or Hinges, and attach wheels using hing constraints

Wheels will twist the vehicle depending on how they are used and turned.

Here’s a few things I noticed with your car.
The Torque, MaxSpeed, and TurnSpeed in the VehicleSeat are deprecated items used with the old style of Part surface hinges used for very old car designs. I’ve never seen anyone use them for scripting a vehicle. They were used with the AreHingesDetected property to automatically set the hinges on the wheels of the cars and gave you tank style steering for simple vehicles. You have added a whole lot of extra references and Properties to your script that don’t need to be there.
Just change the MotorMaxTorque property of the wheels directly for the max values as well as the MaxSteerand it’ll be much simpler.

Your Mass Part wasn’t welded to the rest of the car.
The wheels and the body are touching. I narrowed the Platform slightly.

Car wheels have the pivot point of the steering as close as possible to the center of the wheel for better operation. Part of the reason your wheels are moving the car is the wheels are twisting the car when they steer. I also centered the Attachments to the wheels.
Your wheels are Massless, which will cause them to spin when you accelerate or decelerate. They need mass to push down on whatever’s below them. They should all have the same Density and Friction.
I’d put limits on the Slider of the CylindricalConstraint so they don’t pop over center. The wheels flipped up over the Platform when I hit the spawn part in my test place.
Using a heartbeat to check every frame will cause more lag. Just fire the update function every time the VehicleSeat:GetPropertyChangedSignal event fires. This makes it so the script only updates when the Steer or Throttle properties are changed. I didn’t mess with the script a whole lot since that was more work than I needed to do.
Here’s your car with a few fixes I did:
CAR CHASSIS Jxstkilo.rbxm (14.1 KB)
And here’s a car I created as a tutorial. The single script I used is only 21 lines long but describes a lot of what you need to ‘tune’ as far as Density, Friction, etc. with your Parts.
Motor steering suspension car.rbxm (15.9 KB)