Help! I am currently making car for a game using A-Chassis and the car’s wheels are normal in build mode, however, in play mode, the wheels turn around and aren’t round anymore!
Ok for some reason I can’t upload videos or model files because it says there is a error but here’s some pictures
Hi there! Is the chassis of the car collide-able? If the wheel is touching a collide-able part it might make the wheel do that. Hope you find a solution!
It is not can collide and I am still having the problem.
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Make the body cancolide and also move the body a bit up from the wheels or else it won’t work.
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I’ve had a similar problem to this. Is the car script you are using out of date? If so maybe try to use a newer script or creating a custom one. Good luck!
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Check the position of the drive seat, that might be causing the problem. The drive seat should be facing front.
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Had this exact problem on my car. Anchor the wheel models.