Carbonite Island (Remastered)

Welcome, today we have remastered the carbonite island that extracts carbonite liquid from coal
What do you think and what do you suggest adding?
(More Islands coming soon)

Lava serves to melt the carbonite in the machines
and the dark crystals will give energy to the machines having their function

Enjoy :smiley:


Nice, and pretty, nothing to change in my opinion


I have never heard the word carbonite but it is very good since it gives an original touch to the Island in question of the name

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It’s a matter of imagination :wink:

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Only thing i think looks weird is the purple bridge when its close to the regular brown bridge
maybe make it so it fades to purple? rather than switches jarringly… :stuck_out_tongue:
Otherwise great stuff Really cool looking

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That looks amazing! But I have noticed that some of the fire’s heat is not going up, but going to the side. Is that intentional?

If it is intentional, what I mean is a fantasy world in which the realistic does not matter so much just having fun. :wink:


Well it would not be to change abruptly if I not only looked for a color to go indicating the next island, however, I will take into account your suggestion

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I’ve changed my mind, done some experimenting, it doesnt really look better…