Carolina Barbecue
Hello there, we’re Carolina Barbecue, and we love food! Carolina Barbecue is a RP Restaurant group where you can have many roles such as customer, chef, waiter/waitress, security, and much more! Carolina Barbecue was founded to serve the Roblox community as a fun way to spend your free time when you just need to escape from the real world. I hope you decide to join the Carolina Barbecue family, thanks so much from CEO John.
Staff Rules!
Banning, kicking, and suspending people is up to an Admin/Mod. If you feel as if you were wrongfully banned please contact us on our Discord. These forms of exile shouldn’t be handed out like candy on halloween. There for we have a system if you’re breaking Roblox’s TOS you will be preeminently banned. Trolling, harassing, or other taunting/teasing behavior you will be kicked once then banned if it happens again. If you abuse your powers by ranking someone up you will be suspended the first time with being demoted to the lowest rank if you return, and if it happens again permanently banned.
Admin Abuse
Admin Abuse is a serious issue, if you’re found AAing you will be permanently banned with no warning.
Tool Abuse
If you’re found abusing a tool you will be kicked for the first charge, suspended with the second and banned with the third.
Kicked first
Banned Second+
Preeminently banned and report first+ (Not Reported to Roblox for Glitching)
Kicked First
Banned Second
Permanently Banned Third+
Kicked First
Banned Second
Permanently Banned Third+
Please keep in mind these rules will change over time. The CEO John always had last say.
- Thanks so much for reading from CEO John!