Carriage problem for a train system

Hey so I have this system that basically caluclates the distance between waypoints and then finds out how long a tween has to be to remain at the constant speed for a train system im playing with, and I got that somewhat done but the issue now is how do I get other carriages to follow behind the train?

Current code:

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Speed = 10 -- How many studs you want to go per second

local function calcDist(point1, point2)
	return (point1 - point2).magnitude

local wp = 1


while game.Workspace.Waypoints:FindFirstChild(tostring(wp)) do
	local Pos1 = script.Parent.PrimaryPart.CFrame
	local Pos2 = game.Workspace.Waypoints:FindFirstChild(tostring(wp))

	local Distance = calcDist(Pos1.Position, Pos2.Position)
	local Time = Distance/Speed

	local TweenInf =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)

	game.TweenService:Create(script.Parent.PrimaryPart, TweenInf, {CFrame = Pos2.CFrame}):Play()

	wait(Time) -- Wait for the tween to finish before moving to the next waypoint
	wp = wp + 1

You could position the carriages to the waypoints 1-2 behind the current waypoint.