Carry animation not replicating to server

I’m using the new bodymovers (alignposition & alignorientation) to achieve the target player being carried by another player. The client/the one doing the carrying is able to see the animations well, but on the server the animation isn’t being replicated. Anyone have an idea on why this is happening?

Screenshot in client:

Screenshot in server:

local targetEntity = self:ReturnClosestTarget()
		if targetEntity and targetEntity.KnockdownHandler.Isknocked and not targetEntity.KnockdownHandler.Beingcarried then
			self.Iscarrying = targetEntity;
			targetEntity.KnockdownHandler.Beingcarried = true;
			targetEntity.character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
			targetEntity.character.HumanoidRootPart.Massless = true
			utilityModule.Ragdoll(targetEntity.character, "Remove", targetEntity)
			local alignPos ="AlignPosition")
			alignPos.RigidityEnabled = true
			alignPos.ReactionForceEnabled = true
			alignPos.Attachment0 = targetEntity.character.HumanoidRootPart.CarryAttachment
			alignPos.Attachment1 = self.entity.character.HumanoidRootPart.CarryAttachment
			alignPos.Name = "CarryPos"
			alignPos.Parent = self.entity.character.HumanoidRootPart
			local alignOrien ="AlignOrientation")
			alignOrien.RigidityEnabled = true
			alignOrien.Name = "CarryOrientation"
			alignOrien.Attachment0 = targetEntity.character.HumanoidRootPart.CarryAttachment
			alignOrien.Attachment1 = self.entity.character.HumanoidRootPart.CarryAttachment
			alignOrien.Parent = targetEntity.character.HumanoidRootPart
			self.entity.MovementController.speedBuffers["Carrying"] = 0.9;
			self.entity.MovementController.jumpBuffers["Carrying"] = 0.9;	
			self.carryingWeld = alignOrien;

I think the problem is that animations on non-player characters (NPCs) are not replicated to the server like they are for players.

The documentation on Animation talks about using client vs server pretty much at the beginning of the article.

I found the fix to this myself. Basically I disabled reactionforce and it worked. Hope this helps anyone else.

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