Cartoon GFX help

Hello! My name is Frosty and I’ve been looking through you tube and videos on how to make these but I can’t find one that actually helps me.

What I’m trying to do is making a cartoon logo for my game I’m currently working on, here’s some examples of the type of logo I’m going for:

If there’s any videos or a way you can help me do this. Or if you could do it for me I would be more then happy to set a price.

can i help u? im builder in studio,gfx maker and med in photoshop if u want my help tell me in discord like iiEvilEverettii#1347

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You need to have a good photo editing software first, I suggest you to use “” if you don’t have it yet ( Paint.NET - Download ). Next, there’s a website which you can find icons for your thumbnail called “flaticon” ( So you need to find the icon you want, then download it. After that, import it to, add the words and backgrounds then you’re done.

Well if it’s too complicated then I can’t help you…


Thank you super much this may come in handy.

Glad I can help :smiley:

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