Cartoony Sim Buttons (free)

Hello so i made a new Sim buttons for free

Preview :

Model : Button Sim Pack! - Roblox
Get it on SERVICE
Rbxm :
Sim Ui.rbxm (7.9 KB)


They look good, I like the contrasting use of colors!

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Awesome resource, thanks for making this free!

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that looks like a bad quality roblox simulator*

some details are pretty wellmade

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What do you mean by bad quality Simulator? its suppose to be a gui and free and the ui is very well made as most people say could you say what is worng with it or how can i improve?

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I didn’t mean “bad quality simulator” :rofl: I mean that looks like most effortless-made roblox simulators. I don’t know how to improve it as it’s already pretty good with details.

New update added a new gui!

Color Changeable will be adding more soon!