I just made some cartoony assets and wanted some opinions! I’ll take anything! Here is the game!
Some awkward parts I wanted to share before you give your opinion-
On every overhanging tree, there is this block sticking out from when I made it. Please refrain from sharing this as I already know!
There is also a lot of these corners that stick out. I’m working on fixing that!
I don’t have a photo for this, but the shop was quickly put together as it doesn’t really matter much, since I’m showcasing mainly the trees. 
Also, the trunk is blocky, but I think it looks okay!
Otherwise, what do you think? More pictures here too, by the way!
*I noticed the trees in the map are very repetitive, so I’m looking into changing that so the map is diverse!
The Build is pretty Cool I would recommend changing the colour of the path / walkway but other then that I like it.
Cool super cool wow Cool COooL!
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Thank you so much! Which color would you recommend?
Tbh I don’t care which colour just a colour that fits the map 
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I guess you just need to put grass and it will make more sense! Good work!
That’s an awesome idea! I’ll definitely put some grass and make it look nice. I’ll try the toolbox! If not, I’ll just make my own terrain. 
I think the square leaves and smooth style look very nice!
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Thank you so much! I saw a RoBuilder video with square-ish leaves and wanted to go for a look like that! 
I recommend just using a part!
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It’s good but on pathing I would recommend using a plug-in to fix the corners of the path were they connect
Yeah, I was working on fixing that! Do you have any suggestions?
Yeah of course try this one
Look up the Gap - fill plug-in in library
Alrighty, thank you so much!
Just one last question- there’s no viruses, correct?
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Yeah i haven’t had any problems