Cash System, how would I make this?

Note: I’m really new to datastores and I know this is necessary to make what I am looking for.

Hey! I’m looking to make a token/cash system where you purchase cash to buy sort of gamepasses without going through roblox except for purchasing the tokens.

Like this: image

How would I make this?

I found this on the Devforum, I am not sure if this will solve your problem completely but maybe give it a read. Scripting Money System Help

I don’t think this will help me in what I’m looking to do.

use this (the SendNotification). Use it like this:

game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
	Title = "Title",
	Text = "Text",
	Icon = "", --icon id e.x "rbxassetid://000"
	Duration = 5,

Also, this has to be used in a local script.

I’m not looking for a notification, I’m looking how to make a cash system. I’ve found out how to do it anyway! Thanks everyone.

Oh, lol the way you put it, it sounded like you needed a notification with the cash system.

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