Casilo Hotels; Job Information (HR)

HR Job Information;

Shift Manager - Rewarded to the best supervisors that have been with Casilo for a long time. Dedicated hard working users receive this rank after being a supervisor for a while. To make sure everyone is on task and to manage staff members ranks WHEN REQUIRED, only if a major offense was committed or a staff rule was broken.

General Manager - Rewarded to one of the best workers of Casilo after receiving the Shift Manager rank, to manage staff rank, read applications, supervise staff and more.

Board of Directors - Rewarded to best workers of Casilo to manage all staff excluding Founders of the hotel. Hard working dedicated candidates deserve this rank only.

Co Founder - Rank restricted to @Convaryz
Founder - Rank restricted to @ezotixvibez


  • Host at least 1 training and 1 interview session PER WEEK
  • Manage ranks of disrespectful and unprofessional staff members.
  • Reward hard working LRs and MRs.
  • Suspend, demote and promote when needed.
  • Be active on Group and be ready to manage ranks or group when needed.
  • Never sell ranks or trade them, they are earned by hardworking staff.
  • Ensure a staff stay for everyone at the hotel.