Castle Tycoon - Upcoming updates & What to expect

Castle Tycoon has already reached over 15,000 visits within a day which means I am determined to keep it as my main project for now.

There will be daily updates, until the game is fully completed. This following stuff will be added:

  • The wizard tower will be able to provide you with a costume + few magical powers for now. (Powers will be added weekly)
  • The current map isn’t the finished version of the game, so there will be a lot of improvements and the final version will be way different and better.
  • The surrounding area will be full of water terrain, so you could explore different island for treasures. This means there will be a few new working ships & rowing boats.
  • Level up system
  • Tycoon saving option
    More features will be released soon

Completed Updates

  • New temporarily spawn island
  • New shop which allows you to buy extra in-game gold as a boost
  • Water terrain has been added

Reverted Gold Currency to Cash, as there is a lag issue

Castle Tycoon:


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