Catalog API Issue

I’m working on a python script that gets the data for all Roblox limiteds (for a game that involves trading). The issue is, even with messing with the GET request query, I can only get my script to index up to 1,022 limiteds (sometimes it’s a little bit lower). The total limited count is at least 1,600.

The script uses a recursive function that grabs the JSON data returned from the GET request. It adds the limited data part to a large list (which will be saved to the output JSON file at the end), and it checks to see if there is a valid “nextCursor” (which you use to get to the next page of the catalog). If it finds another valid “nextCursor”, the function will call itself again, but this time with the cursor parameter added to the query.

Also an edit just for clarity: I’m looking for a workaround, as I know it’s been done in other games and websites before.

Not an answer to your issue, but “IncludeNotForSale” doesn’t work anymore.

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If I recall correctly at Cursor 36 the catalog API will stop returning information regardless of if there is “more”

Here is a list of onsale limiteds in a JSON file I compiled using an API I can’t give out.

EDIT: Here is a better list
Limiteds.json (93.0 KB)