Issue Description
The catalog asset “Cozy [Black] Fur Boots – Anna Sofia” includes square brackets (“[]”) around the color name [Black], which is inconsistent with other assets in the same series. None of the other items include brackets around their color names. This appears to be a formatting error in the item’s name.
Reproduction Steps
- Open the Roblox website.
- Go to Marketplace.
- Navigate to the following catalog asset: Cozy [Black] Fur Boots – Anna Sofia.
- Compare the asset’s name to similar assets in the “Cozy Fur Boots – Anna Sofia” series.
- Observe that this particular item has brackets around “Black,” whereas others do not.
Expected behavior
The item name should follow the same naming format as other assets in the series and remove the unnecessary brackets. The correct name should be:
“Cozy Black Fur Boots – Anna Sofia”
instead of
“Cozy [Black] Fur Boots – Anna Sofia”
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