Catalog assets are failing to load with the error "Failed to load sound rbxassetid://XXXXXXX: Asset is not approved for the requester"


After taking a haitus from development on the platform for a couple of months, I’m running into an issue with certain catalogue assets failing to load with the specific error message [Failed to load sound rbxassetid://XXXXXXX: Asset is not approved for the requester]

The assets in question are as follows:

  • 5546573724
  • 876800936
  • 2050521432
  • 5567523008
  • 6343741731
  • 5546573724
  • 420732174

I tried looking them up on the website and they are not found at all. These assets did exist at one point because I was using them. It’s almost like they were manually deleted from the database in their entirety.

Note: These are sound assets.

Additional Information

Parameter Value
Problem Area Catalogue Assets
Problem Component Assets
First Noticed 15 Jan 2025
Priority Normal
Impact Low
Annoyance Level Medium

The beta features that I have enabled are as follows:

  • Assistant Preview
  • Texture Generator

As for plugins, I have a bunch that are installed, but very few are enabled. The ones that are enabled are listed below with links to their details page on the Roblox store website:


What I expect to happen is that the sound assets are available.


This is what I get when I look any of the aforementioned assets on the creator website:


Just look up the asset on the creator website.


You can try doing the following inside a command prompt within a studio if you previously owned the asset to see if the asset itself is still existing:

local assetID = 00000000 -- replace with the following IDs you mentioned
game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(assetID).Parent = workspace

If nothing appears then there’s a chance that it got content deleted, other than that I’m not sure.

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The sound asset was publicly available. So I’m not sure what happened.

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Hi @Maelstorm_1973, thanks for reaching out.

I took a look at the assets you listed. Some of these assets were moderated and some were taken off sale by the creator. Since you were not the owner of these assets it is expected that this will result in you not being able to access these assets anymore.

Let me know if you have any questions!