Catalog avator to studio?

How would i get an avatar from catalog avatar into studio… or is there any way i can search up the same things from studio and put them in or is there anyway i can import the fit i have from catalog to studio? even if it is tedious

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There are plugins you can get that import avatars and items from the catalog or from User IDs.

Other than that there are code functions to import assets, get HumanoidDescriptions from User IDs and outfit IDs, and to load humanoid rigs from HumanoidDescriptions.

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Do you mean you have an avatar in a avatar design game and you want to port it into studio?

If you have the individual item IDs, you can add them into a HumanoidDescription.

With that, you can run the following code in the command line with your HumanoidDescription selected to generate an avatar from it.

For the code to do anything, make sure to have the humanoid description selected as you run it. It gets the humanoid description from what you have selected in studio.

-- Paste me in the studio cmd line (Ribbon bar -> View -> cmd bar or something similar)

-- Setting for the rig type to generate
local RIG_TYPE = Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15  -- Use Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 for an R6 rig

local undoCheckpoint = game:GetService("ChangeHistoryService"):TryBeginRecording("GenerateAvatar")

if not undoCheckpoint then
error("Unable to create an undo checkpoint, running without this can cause changes that can't be fixed with ctrl-z")

-- Get the first item in the selected instances (should *only* be the HumanoidDescription)
local humanoidDescription = game:GetService("Selection"):Get()[1]

-- Generate the avatar model
local avatarModel = game:GetService("Players"):CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription(humanoidDescription, RIG_TYPE)

-- Add the new avatar model to the workspace
avatarModel.Parent = workspace

-- Finish the undo checkpoint
game:GetService("ChangeHistoryService"):FinishRecording(undoCheckpoint, Enum.FinishRecordingOperation.Commit)

The cmd line code above supports ctrl-z which is nice in case any mistakes are made.

How about the game catalog avatar

I’m not sure what you mean by game catalog avatar. Do you mean a game named “catalog avatar”?

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yes lol


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Okay. So you’ll need to input the information about the avatar into a HumanoidDescription, then use the code I posted above to generate an Avatar from the description.

To do the HumanoidDescription:

  • Right click, add object, select HumanoidDescription
  • To edit, go to [top ribbon bar] → View → Properties, then select the HumanoidDescription, then change the properties to what you need. For example, the property “Shirt” can be set to the shirt ID of the classic shirt you want the avatar to wear
  • After you set all the properties to describe the avatar you want to make, select the humanoid description
  • With the humanoid description selected, paste the code above into the command bar and hit enter to run it (the command bar is [top ribbon bar] → View → little command bar icon, if you over it should say command bar or something similar, it’s one of the first ones)

You can see descriptions of each property in the docs here:


To get the item IDs you need to put into the HumanoidDescription, you can search the items up on the Roblox website, then take the number from the URL:

(e.g. the number 20722130 above would go in the Face property if you wanted that face)

Once in the humanoid description, you can load them using the command line code I wrote.