Catalog item descriptions are broken

  • Catalog descriptions for items with longer descriptions are not working correctly.
    For example, the read more button on catalog items usually covers some text of the description.
    Example: image

  • Some longer descriptions have a scrolling bar, and are all on one line, rather than multiple. They should have a read more button.

Example: image

  • These bugs also occur with light mode.

Example: image

Example: image

  • These bugs can be seen on every catalog item with a long description, which would require a read more button. Also it occurs on catalog items with long descriptions, but only on one line. (Scroll Bar)

  • This happens to every item on the catalog with a long description.

  • Unsure when this bug first started occurring, but it has been around for awhile.

Update: This also happens in the library


Can confirm this is a bug.



I noticed that catalog descriptions were broken, too. The description only gets wrapped once it gets long enough that the ā€œRead Moreā€ button appears.

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This appears to be fixed. Descriptions that were too short to have a ā€œRead Moreā€ button but long enough that text has to be wrapped to multiple lines are wrapped again. The ā€œRead Moreā€ button still overlaps the description whenever it appears, but I have reasons to believe that itā€™s intentional:

  • If the ā€œRead Moreā€ button was on its own line, the a lot of space to the left of it would be wasted. You may as well fit more of the description in that space.
  • The text for the button has a different background color from the rest of the text. It wouldnā€™t need its own background color if it wasnā€™t meant to be an inline element.

I also noticed the scroll bar was fixed.

But I donā€™t believe the read more overlapping letters was intentional. As I showed in my light mode example, you can see that a word starting with the letter ā€˜Rā€™ is covered up.

I imagine that the ā€˜rā€™ shouldnā€™t even appear, but it seems the whole word is actually there, just most of it is covered.

In the case of light mode, a different background isnā€™t necessary since links have a different color. I think this is more proof that itā€™s intentional since they even made sure to change the background color in dark mode so that the Read More link stands out from the rest of the description text (links donā€™t have a different color in dark mode, and they normally donā€™t have a different background color.)

How did you expect words to be cut off, with an ellipsis (ā€¦)? Iā€™m not a web developer, but that would probably require having the last line be on its own span. This would mess with screen readers and text highlighting. In my opinion, the way it is right now is perfectly fine.