"Cats... IN SPACE: Sergeant Tabbs" was updated incorrectly, and now is occupied by a completely different bundle

Reproduction Steps
The package is replaced by this other package, “CATS…IN SPACE: Commander Laika”:

Expected Behavior
The cat bundle should be loaded.

Actual Behavior
A different bundle is loaded entirely


Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Cats...IN SPACE: Sergeant Tabbs - Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Often
Date First Experienced: 0202-03-08 00:03:00 (-05:50)


Thank you for reaching out - our team is currently investigating


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Hello, wanted to reach out and double check that the issue is resolved and if you have any other question. Thank you !

The bundle seems to be working OK

Although I had an issue regarding another bundle I had previously purchased a few years ago that was once updated (to fix a physics issue I believe?) but as a result it no longer looks like how it previously was.

Hello, if you wish to, please submit a report for the issue with the other bundle and we can take a look. Thank you for your support and patience!