Here at Cavz, we provide training sessions for trainees to have a chance to become apart of the Cavz Hotel staff team. In this document, you’ll find information on how training should operate. If you ever have a question regarding the guide, feel free to contact a member of the Management or Administration Team.
The Host | Session Coordinator - Responsible for the success and general operation of the entire training. It is this person’s job to ensure that the training session is executed correctly and with the utmost professionalism. To do this, they oversee the session, check-in with trainers, and resolve any issues that may arise. Like mentioned, Management+ can host.
The Backup Host | Co-Coordinator - Responsible for the success and general operation of the entire training. It is this person’s job to ensure that the training session is executed correctly and with the utmost professionalism. To do this, they oversee the session, check-in with trainers, and resolve any issues that may arise. Like mentioned, Management+ can host.
The Trainer - This is the first out of two trainers, you’ll each pick on what to do. instructions about roles are below. They’re responsible for training users in their group.
The Assistant Trainer - You’ll need two trainers for each section. Instructions below.
The Spectator * - If we receive a new Intern, they’re required to spectate the first session to understand what happens. After they spectate their first session, they are allowed to begin training.
The Supervisor is able to Supervise / Oversee sessions. Usually, the Human Resources Department decides to oversee a session to see staff performance and work ethics. They’re also seeking for possible next rank candidates*
As a host, you are obligated to keep us updated with shouts. At the beginning of the session, the host for the first server should join 20 minutes before the session begins, as well as shouting it on the group shout. That gives time for the Lower-ranked members to join the Training Center to receive training. Staff must join at exactly xx:45 or later, being early will result in removal from the server. Staff is not permitted to join after the session being server-locked unless asked by the host or needing a replacement. The host is asked to use the following formats when shouting:
TRAININGS | The training session will start at TIME. | Head on down to the Training Center for a chance to get a promotion. [T]
Once it becomes closer to the immediate training time, the host must be ready to shout for when it locks. This shout notifies us that lower-ranked members will no longer be permitted to join at this time.
TRAININGS | Slocked | The Training session has begun, meaning the server has been locked. If you were unable to attend, please attend another session.
When all the lower-ranked staff are finished being trained and the passers are being promoted, the host may now shout that the session is now concluded.
TRAININGS - Concluded | The training session has come to a conclusion. Congratulations to everyone who passed, in the meantime, why not head on down to the hotel and go to the bar for a refreshing drink?
*Before the session starts, make sure all Trainees are available to communicate. Make sure they also have a group marked as well, the host should begin numbering at least 5 minutes before the session begins.
At xx:45, the host should announce that they may begin heading down to the Training Center. Management may not join any sooner than xx:45, other than the host.
At xx:55-xx:59, make sure that all Customers are removed from the Training Center.
Host : sm Hello, welcome to the Cavz Hotel Training Center. My name is YOUR NAME and I will be your host for today!
Host : sm I will now be going over the rules over the rules and important information, please be attentive and follow them! Do not talk at this time.
Host : sm Grammar must be used inside and outside trainings at all times. It is mandatory to use grammar so that other staff members and customers can fully understand what you are saying. If you do not use grammar throughout the training session, it will result in a failure and removal from the server.
Host : sm Recording at the training center is permitted; however, you must have your answers blurred, as other people may copy your answers. Which will result in others copying and pasting and that is prohibited at the training center.
Host : sm You are to treat all customers and your fellow staff members with respect. Cavz is a friendly community and we won’t ever accept disruptive or disrespectful behavior. If you choose to do this, you’ll be removed from the server immediately.
Host : sm You must follow the same rules as in the main game, and as well do not act immature, acting so will result in a warning, then a demotion.
Host : sm If you do not pass, please don’t argue with your trainer. There will always be another session that you may attend. Practice leads to improvement and progress!
Host : sm Please try and not go AFK during the training session as you may miss out on being trained. If we believe you’ve missed too much information, you’ll be removed from the server.
Host : sm Once you are asked to line up behind your trainer, stay behind your trainer and do not cut the line.
Host : sm This now brings to a conclusion, TrainERs, please head to your positions. TrainEEs, please wait while your Trainer brings you to the position.
While waiting take time to answer questions or assist anyone in need.
Host is doing the briefing.
Host has announced TrainERs must begin.
You select at least 1-5 TrainEEs to train.
You direct them towards your desired training room.
You ask them to “Please choose a counter & stand behind it.”
Hey there! My name is [Name], I will be your trainer for today! Before we begin, do you have any questions or concerns?
If any, answer. If none, proceed to,
Alrighty, we will now proceed with training!
We have IIII sections to go through, this consists of the greeting test, knowledge test, check-in test & the trolling test.
Are we ready?
Okay, SECTION I - Greetings, this is where I will walk up to your counter, you will be required to show your greeting as I stand in front of your counter.
For example, “Hey there! Welcome to Cavz Hotel, I will be checking you in. What can I get you?”
I will give you a few seconds to type one out & copy-paste it. (CTRL + C) to copy off your notepad & (CTRL & V) to paste text into the chat.
You will have a couple of seconds to do this, say “READY” when you’re ready.
All users have stated “READY”, proceed to randomly walk up to their counters & test their greetings.
If a user isn’t responding ask them to respond kindly & if they are AFK respawn them. >respawn (player name)
Strike users based on failure to have an exceptional complete greeting.
Alright, that concludes Section I, let’s move onto Section II!
SECTION II - Knowledge Test, this is where I will walk up to your counter & ask you a question based on the hotel. Ready?
Here are some questions you may ask:
How many warnings do trollers get?
How do I become MR?
How do I deal with exploiters?
How do I get a promotion?
Can you rank me SR?
If I hack, do I get banned?
Strike users based on if they are unable to answer or have answered completely incorrectly, be kind & answer the question yourself to explain what the correct answer is.
Alright, that concludes section II, let’s move onto section III!
SECTION III - Check-in Assessment, this is where we test your skills when it comes to preparing & checking people in. To be honest, it’s pretty simple & basic.
In front of you, there is a system you will type in the name and the room type.
I will be getting random rooms.
Proceed with this section.
Do an exceptional amount of check-ins.
Alright, so that concludes section III.
Distribute strikes depending on how late trainees are to serve you.
Okay, that concludes section III of the training process. Let’s move onto section IIII, shall we?
SIIII - Trolling Assessment, this is where we will roleplay a scenario, myself will play the Customer, you will play the staff.
Proceed with this assessment.
Remember to act as the customer & you are trolling the staff.
When you finish, distribute strikes for those who didn’t give a warning to you roleplaying as the troller, don’t be too strict with it though!
Alright, that concludes section IIII of this training as well as this session!
This is where you will be congratulating your remaining trainees from passing your session, also bring them to the STS line for them to get ranked by the host.
Example dialogue for saying to wait at the STS line:
Thanks for coming, you have passed this training session! You will be roled by the host, remember to have fun!
If there are any more trainees
Alright, I will be getting my next lot of trainees, bye!
This is the offical training guide of Cavz Hotel.
Cavz Hotel Ownership team