All Ranks // Keep any posts on the wall family-friendly.
1B. Ranks 4+ // Keep any group shouts family-friendly.
All Ranks // Do not ask for ranks. You will not receive them that way.
2B. Ranks 3+ // Do not ask for promotions.
2C. Ranks 4+ // Do not demote any users without permission from a rank 5 or 6.
2D. Ranks 4+ // You cannot promote users. While technically you can do it, you’re not allowed to. Remember that everything you change in the group is logged.
2E. Ranks 4+ // You cannot give ranks to any other accounts owned by you, but a higher rank MAY be able to do that for you. It depends on the reason for ranking.
All Ranks // Do not ask for robux. The answer is no.
3B. Ranks 3+ // Payouts, if they ever happen, are random for ranks 3-4. 50% of group funds will automatically be given to the Co-Owner and Owner (split evenly). All remaining group funds belong to the Owner and he can choose what to do with them.
Ranks 3+ // Do not use in-game commands to gain an advantage over other users. Those commands are for moderation ONLY.
4B. Ranks 3+ // If given the option, do not abuse the kick command. The kick command is only to be used for minor rule-breaking, however, proof is not needed to kick, but a reason is required.
4C. Ranks 4+ // When server-banning, a reason is required. Always provide details if possible (example ban message: Exploiting - Fly, Teleport, Speed). Do not abuse it or you will be demoted/fired.
4D. Ranks 5+ // When permanent-banning, proof and reason are both required. Use this command with great caution, as permanently banning a player means that they can NEVER EVER join the game again on their banned account.
[1] Member
Members are players who have decided to join the group. They may get in-game cosmetics for this.
[2] Beta Tester
Reserved for users who have helped me test. This rank doesn’t give any group admin features but (may) give in-game cosmetics upon full release.
[3] Helper
Helpers can do simple moderation. Do not message them for reports, that is not their job. Helpers are chosen by ranks 4+.
[4] Moderator
Moderators can ban you from our games, manage lower-ranked group members, and do much more. Moderators are chosen by ranks 5+.
[5] Co-Owner
Head of Staff. Reserved for MysticWolf20000.
[6] Owner
Owner of the entire group. Reserved for Cdog616.
Cdog’s Creations is a group created to hold Cdog616’s games. All group games are mainly developed by Cdog616. Any other developers will obviously get their credit. A discord may come soon for the group, but there are no promises for that, it depends on how big the group gets in the future.
Robux in the group funds will mainly be used for the developer exchange (if that time ever comes), advertisements, badges, and other things. Donations will not give you any rewards, so don’t expect that. That is what gamepasses are for.
MysticWolf20000 is the Co-Owner / Head of Staff in the group. You can message him about any moderation issues.2 His job as Head of Staff is to manage moderation along with the owner. He has the same permissions that the owner does. Oh yeah, he’s also an artist for Randomized Run, and you may see some of his artwork in the future.3 No, you cannot take his rank. I (Cdog616) have known MysticWolf20000 in real life for years, so I trust him with this rank. I’m not just going to give it to some random person on the internet.
Cdog616 (me) does most of the behind-the-scenes work, such as composing these little information pages, developing games, doing some group stuff, and more. I’m the person who makes most of the big decisions about things like games, ranks, and more. All group funds belong to me, and I have the right to do whatever I want with them (as long as it’s not against Roblox’s terms of service, of course!). I will take messages unless I get spammed. If I get spammed, then I’m just going to close my Roblox inbox. I can’t promise that I’ll read all your messages or reply to them, but I can try.
Suggestions? Concerns? Post them in the group wall!
Cdog’s Creations
1 These rules may change at any time.
2 Mystic can still reply to messages other than this if he wants to, but he is not required to, nor is he required to reply to all messages.
3 As of February 2021, no artwork seen relating to Cdog’s Creations or any of their games is final and may change in the future.