Celestryl | Filipino Translation and Localization Services

:wave: Hey there! I am Celes, a 15-year old from the Philippines. I am offering my services as a Filipino Translator as I am a native Filipino that can speak both English and Filipino fluently. I will always try my best to deliver my customers quality translations.

  1. :philippines: The Filipino Community: When it comes to social media and online games, the Filipino community is actually one of the largest consumers and users of these services. Roblox is no exception to this as the Filipino community is also very large in here. This means that a huge chunk of the playerbase is Filipino, this means that adding in Filipino translations to your game can help you cater to a wider audience.

  2. :confetti_ball: Success: When you are able to establish a wider audience for your game, that would also mean more engagement and more profit. This will help your game become more successful in the long run.

  3. :bust_in_silhouette: Why Me: I am reliable and communicative; both of which are essential in ensuring that the work delivered is of highest quality. I am also very active, which means that I am able to finish orders at a much more efficient and quicker pace. Not just that, but my prices are affordable and cheap for translations.

More will be added as I get more experience.

:briefcase: I’m available for around 10 hours everyday! How fast I can deliver your orders though depends on how much orders I already have in place. My timezone is GMT+8 so note that I am mostly active during the afternoon in that time (around 1 PM - 7 PM).

  • :robux_gold: 30 per string/cell
  • :robux_gold: 20 per gamepass
  • :robux_gold: 80 for the description

:moneybag: Prices are negotiable! Orders will be payed through gamepasses (no need to cover marketplace fee) due to the recent rollout of a 15-day wait period for group funds.

:phone: You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord. I am more active on Discord so you will get a faster reply there! If I don’t reply immediately, that either means I’m sleeping or I’m busy.

:desktop_computer: Developer Forum: Celestryl
:iphone: Discord: Celes#6997

:wave: Thank you so much for reading! Have a good day, and stay safe!