Cellular Automata for Voxel Terrain generation

I decided to do this as a programming workout, and created an Island generator using Cellular Automata.
The rules for the cells follow through Multiple steps:

  1. First I randomly distributed sand and water around a grid, and the borders of the grid are always water
  2. I then used Moores neighbor principles (All adjacent and diagonal neighbors of x distance to shape the island and add vegetation and mountains
  3. Then I set the tile heights based on the cell to give it some life

And I figured I would show this as the results of about a few hours work


@CasuallyCritical Fantastic work!

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@CasuallyCritical This looks great, keep it up!

This looks great! I actually just made an island generator recently, but I didn’t use cellular automata.

Wow this would be really useful for the animal crossing game I am making. I am going to try and research cellular automata now!

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