Hi! Does anyone know how to make the Mouse go to the center while clicking on mobile?
^ On PC it looks fine and since the mouse is locked it will always go to the center
^ However, on mobile the thing is different, since mobile doesn’t detect LockFirstPerson it will reject it, and replace it with Classic, the thing I want to achieve is that the mouse stays in the center of the screen and when shooting it will make the bullet go straight to the center.
If my answer solved your original problem, please select it as the answer.
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local cameraCF = camera.CFrame
local length = 1000
local params = RaycastParams.new()
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(cameraCF.Position, cameraCF.LookVector * length, params)
I’m not talking about the code sample, if my answer solved your original problem, select it as the answer, because that’s what people will come to answer, not the raycasting problem.