Central Group Hub Moderation Guidelines

This guide will be an important asset as being apart of the Moderation Team for Central Group Hub. This will classify your steps into becoming a full-time moderator and guidelines that must be followed.

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As your first step to becoming a Full-Time Moderator, you will go through a 15 day trial phase. This will allow for the Moderation Leader to determine your eligibility to becoming full-time. During this time, an administrator and above may:

  • Disqualify your eligibility due to incompetency
  • Disqualify you from the trial period due to not being the right fit
  • Take away or suspend admin usage in servers
  • Assign or revoke a mentor

As a trial moderator, you may not:

  • Remove a user from a server without reaching out to an administrator
  • Use any commands which are held primarily for moderator use only
  • Remove a user from the communications server without reaching out to an administrator

Within 24 Hours of your trial period ending, the Moderation Leader will:

  1. Make contact with you regarding your eligibility
  2. Determine if you will become Full-Time Moderator
  3. Remove you from the moderation team completely

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Moderators are meant to be a sentry and a representative of the community. They help set the tone and keep things from getting out of hand.

We recognize that moderators can be busy at times and have to live their lives. As such, the hope is that each moderator rarely has to take action.We are lucky enough to have a team of such a wealth of good, level-headed people to where we have a large source of potential moderators.

The overall goal with moderating the community is to set up an environment and understanding with hub members where the team rarely gas to moderate. The majority of times when moderators will really need to be on point are when playing community games, after getting hosted/raided, and general spikes in viewership.

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A moderator is a representative of the community and enforcer of its rules. It’s especially important for moderators to follow the community rules. Moderators may face harsher penalties for breaking the rules compared to other members of the community. At the very least, a moderator risks losing their moderation privileges for more than an incidental, accidental rule break, but are more likely to be barred as well.

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Moderator should not discuss how to moderate in the main stream servers itself. Instead, private messaging can be used, or you can pop into the discord server and discuss things there. Regarding Discord, please be sure to use the moderator channel there, rather than general chat.

If you aren’t marked as a moderator in Discord, the moderator chat room won’t be visible. You’ll need to contact the moderation leader directly so that they can manually set you as a moderator in Discord.

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Everyone makes mistakes - it’s how we handle them that determines how we’re viewed and how the tone is set going forward. If you accidentally time out or ban a person incorrectly, simply undoing the action and apologizing should be fine. Correcting a ban/timeout length is similar - just let the offender know the updated time as necessary. Be sure to clarify if you warn the wrong offender as well - so they don’t feel like an undeserved target.

All moderator errors should be reported to an administrator. Serious errors should be directed to the moderation leader or Community Manager.

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Most temporary bans should be left as-is. They provide time to reset and reevaluate, and allows some breathing room for chat. Reverting a temporary ban should really only occur to resolve moderator error.

The hope is that if someone is permanently banned, it’s only because they’re irredeemable and should remain banned. In the rare event where the banned offender is honestly repentant, whether to un-ban is up to the Community Managers or Moderation Leader Discretion - assuming we haven’t requested that they remain banned with no option for appeal.

Ban appeals should only be handled by the Moderation Leader or Community Manager.

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Sometimes you’ll need to step in and clarify the rules in order to avoid / limit how often they’re broken. Other times you’ll need to step in after a ban and explain why the rules exist in the first place. It’s often the case that setting the tone can do a lot more good than any other moderator action, especially as it affects the entire community, rather than the one person or few people who may be causing trouble.

It is expected that all moderators follow the protocol and time usage when dealing with incidents.

These commands are the most used commands by moderation. Follow the exact format when using these commands. Failure to correctly take action or inappropriate removal of strikes can result in an immediate removal from the moderation team.

Discord Server Commands

  • -addnote (UserID) (Note) —> -addnote 123456789 Testing
    This command will add a note to the users profile which only moderators can see.
  • -staffnote (UserID)
    This will allow you to view all added notes into the users notes.
  • -ban (UserID) (Reason) → -ban 123456789 Rule 1.A
    This command will ban a user permanently from our server and they will need to appeal the ban in order to return.
  • -kick (UserID) (Reason) → -kick 123456789 Rule 1.A
    This will temporarily kick a user from our server and allow them to rejoin right after.
  • -logreason (punishment ID) (new reason)
    This will allow you to change the reason in the log. This is useful if you forgot to add something into the log.
  • -punishinfo (punishment ID)
    This will allow you to get more information regarding the punishment.
  • -mute (ID/@mention) [time m/h/d] [reason] → -mute 123456789 1h Rule 1.A
    This will mute a user for the temporary amount of time you put. If you do not put a time, it will mute the user permanently.
  • -searchall (userID)
    This will search the users history in our discord even if the action was appealed.
  • -search (userID)
    This will search only the active cases against a user. No appealed cases will be shown.
  • -searchstaff (UserID)
    This will search a specific moderator and all users they have moderated
  • -rmpunish (punishment ID) (Reason)
    This will remove a punishment off a users record (aka appealed).
  • -softban (userID) (reason)
    This will basically “kick” a user and delete their messages sent in the past 24 hours. They will be able to rejoin after.
  • -strike (UserID) (Reason)
    This will be used when warning a user in the server.
  • -unmute (userID) (reason)
    Command usually used when a user was muted and it was not taken away by its-self.

All users will automatically recieve a link to the appeal form and viewing their status of the appeal in every punishment given. You do not need to put the link in every strike.

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At the end of the day, we want to be there strongly for our community. Using common sense and asking your team for help when you need it most will become essential. If you ever have any concerns, reach out to an administrator who can assist you.

Updated: 25 MAR 2021 02:42AM ET

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