Cerberus Anti-Virus [WIP]


  • CERBERUS is currently a work in progress ANTI-VIRUS.
  • More features than it’s competitors.
  • More advanced than it’s competitors.

String Blacklist

  • Edit the definition of high risk keywords in real time.

String Detection

  • Detects high risk strings.
  • Detects obfuscation methods. [:hammer_and_wrench:]

Sandbox [:warning:]

  • Live Custom Environment to load script and detect function calls.
  • Can scan obfuscated scripts.

Fixes [:warning:]

  • :warning: Replace high risk Roblox “self” function calls with neutral alternatives.
  • Remove known virus signatures / high risk string signatures.
  • :warning: Redirect high risk Roblox function calls.

Live Protection

  • Instant notification whenever a script is added.
  • Can scan & take actions by itself.

Easy To Use UI

  • Get started in a few clicks.
  • Intuitive & easy for the eyes UI.




:warning: - Prototype / Unfinished - Not recommended to use yet, if you do, save your game before using.
:hammer_and_wrench: - Planned / Design phase.


Is the stable version the one I should go for?

Also, thank you

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it costs 100 robux

dont buy someone experienced could remake this in 0.00000001 seconds

also roblox has already made warnings if free model contains scripts or not


Yes you might have to wait longer for updates tho.
Get beta only if you want to be up to date at all time, the cons include that it will break often so you’ll have to update a lot.

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Sometimes you might install free models that require scripts to work properly, and you might not have the time to check them out every single time or have the knowledge required to read them.

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ok but i always check the models every each time i insert them

also second thing your plugin will not protect me from hidden sexual content because thats also possible

basicially heres what the attacker does:

  1. he inserts sexual content into free model
  2. he sets transparency to 1 of that sexual content
  3. he uploads to toolbox
  4. some random dev inserts it into roblox studio team create
  5. oops roblox FBI systems detected that you had sexual content in your game now everyone in that team create gets banned!

so thats why if i ever inserted something from toolbox i would legit double check it for transparency = 1 and check for suspicious getfenv setfenv require scripts

and its not just that they can do same thing with require scripts they can just require some condo that runs only if its outside of studio and then your game gets deleted by roblox


CERBERUS is only meant to analyze scripts not parts.


ok but my point is that it wont protect me from all types of methods of “attempts to troll” (aka putting sexual content inside free model and setting its transparency to 1)


CERBERUS does not claim to protect you from “attempts to troll”, it’s only meant to be a tool to assist less experienced users into detecting threats before they release their game.

Additionally, you should always verify third-party content before implementing it in your game.

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Viruses that destroy or remove things will be noticable. The goal of viruses is to stay hidden and allow a third party to hack in the game with a server sided executor. Also, you can’t seriously be removing scripts just because they use require. EVERY script of mine uses require. getfenv is less rare in my scripts, but I still used it at least once. And why are some warnings and some threats seemingly at random?

And it’s considered a virus if the script tries to kick somebody??? What?

Yes, coming from the person who made it. Isn’t that biased? Could you get ratings from real people instead? The tests shown in the OP are not explanatory and don’t really present what they could do. This could be baked UI for all we know.

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idk about this , it doesnt take a mastermind to look through code to see if its potentially malicious . and based on those screenshots it would defo flag innocent scripts , require is called by most admin scripts and/or things that need to be updated that is legitimate . the concept of this just seems kinda useless


Red outputs are functions that fired in the sandbox
Orange/Yellow output is for string hits in the script.

You will also have the possibility to whitelist your own script(s) from going thru an analysis.

Feel free to buy it for 100R$ which is pretty cheap imo & reverse the sources before using it.
Or try it for yourself in a brand new template.

Also my opinion isn’t biased, you can install other plugins from the marketplace and compare them for yourself, I have used it against free & paid plugins that claim to do the same things.

It’s pretty much impossible to not flag innocent scripts which is why I will implement a whitelist for scripts you are certain are not malicious.

It does infact not require a mastermind to look through code but not every single person that uses roblox studio knows Lua or knows it enough to distinguish harmful code from normal code.

Cerberus DOES NOT claim to protect you from every possible attacks.
Cerberus is only a tool to assist you in determining if a script is malicious or not while offering solutions.

this is super cool, although i know a few plugins that are almost the exact same thing. what separates this one from the others that are free? you mentioned advanced coding used in Cerberus, could you clarify what exactly that does differently from the others?

So what I was referencing to in “advanced coding” I meant that CERBERUS has a better keyword list than other “anti-viruses” (plugin) which rely mostly on signatures for example “virus”,“h4x”,“1337”.

On top of that I introduced Sandboxing which runs live code in a custom environment to analyze how the script behaves and what it accesses.

CERBERUS also offers 2 different methods to neutralize malicious code and backdoors.

Other anti-viruses lack features, Cerberus has in total; 8 different features and more to come.

CERBERUS is fairly recent and up to date with current attacks methods.

but not every single person that uses roblox studio knows Lua or knows it enough to distinguish harmful code from normal code.

please teach me how to get the game infected

infected models are soooooo obvious just like free discord nitro scams
i dodged all of free discord nitro scams because of how obvious they are
i think same thing applies to roblox’s toolbox its just so obvious when the script contains suspicious code

Quite easy, I’ve been working for this homestore group for a while and I am their main scripter.
They repurposed some code by themselves with no past scripting experience and ended up infecting their game with the now dead RoSync virus.

It now triggers over 2k warnings in my anti virus and I’m currently working on a feature that will remove known viruses for example RoSync by scanning & replacing some parts of the script.

so what’s the purpose ? if it doesn’t require a mastermind to review scripts and can lead to false detections , essentially serving as a ‘tool’ that replicates what anyone with basic studio knowledge can do, why should this be a product that someone should commonly use ?

Well the purpose is to offer better alternative to replace the current front page anti-virus, which is more expensive, less reliable and highly popular for some reason.

Most of the time Anti-Cheats & Anti-Viruses will lead to false positives and I will make sure to provide all the necessary tools to get accurate and quality results.
I will implement things such as signature logic to understand the context of each functions in a script and deal with it in an appropriate way which would reduce false positives by a lot.

You should use this product if you want to utilize the tool box without having to worry about malicious code and backdoor running in the background without your knowledge and as time goes on I will make it more powerful so it can protect its users from all angles.

It can also serve as a great tool for mass virus deletion, game optimization, etc…

Keep in mind Cerberus is still a work in progress and I will keep on making it the best of the best.

If you have any suggestions that could help me or help with the development you are more than welcome to share it with me.

lil bro i dont think thats how it works