Certain articles and pages show outdated information

So this was going on for a while however i never reported single articles because it would be too small of a bug in my opinion. However after a bit i realized how many roblox articles and pages actually contain outdated information so this report deems to address the articles to update them with the correct information. There are plenty of articles that still uses “blog.roblox.com” or “Charts - Roblox” but those won’t get mentioned here unless they break articles. This includes links leading to non existing pages or visual bugs.

As this isn’t inside the creator documentation it will be put in #bug-reports:roblox-application-and-website-bugs

Those are just minor stuff but this report has been made to fix multiplie outdated articles at once and more stuff will be linked if found. If you find more outdated stuff you can probably link it here

Expected behavior

I expect the links not to be broken or to not show outdated information