Certain Limited 2.0 items left untradable

This issue is concurrent with the following list of items, in which they are unable to be traded, despite this fix being implemented with most Limited 2.0 items.

Glossy Red Baseball Cap
The Jade Catseye
Shiny Bling

Expected behavior

If this was fixed I would expect these items to have the trading capability like the others do
(ex. Gold Clockwork Headphones, Extremely Sparkly Sparkle Chicken etc.)


I’m going to hope that they’ll make the jade catseye tradable, but no idea since it’s a head item instead of a face type of limited.

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Thank you for the report. This is an acknowledgement message. We have assigned to our team for review.


It’s likely this item will be tradeable in the future but they probably have to do some internal stuff as bundles have never been tradeable.