Certain parts will disappear when you test or run your game


script.Parent.Transparency = 1

local CheckPoint = script.Parent
local Location = script.Parent.Name

local BIS_Module = require(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.BIS_Module)

function touch(hit)



A sensor placed on the road to detect if a vehicle is passing by.
However, when the game is launched or tested in the studio, the part disappears. It becomes transparent, which is the intention, but it disappears from the workspace entirely.

The only properties we changed were Transparency 0.7, CanCollide false, and Anchored true.
I even set Anchored to true, so why are my parts disappearing from the game?

The first is a picture of me editing in the studio
The second is when you launch the game in the Studio or publish the game and enter the game in Roblox.

one of your scripts in the game is the reason for this.

Might be due to streaming. Check streaming settings and try walking close to the part.

If you want the part to always be replicated to clients, use StreamingMode=Persistent.