Certain users don't get given bundle parts when purchasing bundles

Reported on behalf of @Blazyyz

Reproduction Steps
I’m not 100% sure what causes this but certain users when purchasing bundles don’t receive the bundle parts of purchased bundle. From the documented cases I’ve seen, it starts after buying a bunch of bundles bundle in quick succession, after that they start not giving the assets when purchased. Then any bundle you buy after that doesn’t give the body parts consistently.

Expected Behavior
Bundle should give out all the parts that are part of said bundle when purchased

Actual Behavior
Certain users don’t receive the bundle parts of purchased bundles.

Issue Area: Purchasing / Purchasing Avatar Items
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: March 31st 2024
Date Last Experienced: Current Date


This bug’s been happening to me too. Every bundle I bought after April 5th I only receive the costumes and none of the parts/head. Happens with non-dynamic bundles too. I’d love it if this was fixed :sob:

I haven’t received a response to this report in 12 days. If the bug has been ticketed could I please be let known? Thanks.