Certain "valid" social media links log you out of your account

If you edit your social links with a “logout” subdirectory, it will literally log you out of your account…
If you’re signed in to multiple accounts, it will log you out of ALL them (if you’re logged into youtube).

this applies to all types of social media links


  1. Update your Youtube social link to this url:
    Google Accounts

  2. Click on the link

  3. You should be logged out

Expected behavior

I should be able to access ANY link without inconveniences


You could always hover over the button and see what the link is:


The horror…


You could always hover over the button and see what the link is

I’m not sure people are going to want to take that extra precaution when Roblox can easily fix this. And what about unsuspecting users?

The horror…

It’s still a huge inconvenience and SHOULD be fixed

It’s not a good idea for users to get used to having to re-enter login credentials for accounts they’re already logged into. That’s how passwords get stolen. Remember, we’re talking about end users here - kids.

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How does logging in get their password stolen?? :pleading_face:

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Ideal way of linking YouTube channel would be connecting it via YouTube’s OAuth2 change my mind.

This is very easy to implement and also would require to connect channel you actually own not some random ones which people do.


Me and @INDBRO_San are actively of the opinion that this feature should stay

On an unrelated note, here’s my twitter account


TRUE. have been using that quote unquote feature just to share music/whatever i feel like sharing

please do NOT remove extremely customizable social links :pray: :pray:


You click a link that you think leads to Youtube. The site you land on says “Enter your Google account credentials!” So you do. But the site is just pretending to be YouTube. Now they have your account.

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You can’t link to external websites, you’ll get moderated for Directing Users Off-Platform

Right. But one of the best pieces of good internet-browsing practice you can give someone is “don’t enter login credentials for no reason”. If Roblox gets users used to “troll” social links that log them out, then I send one of those users a link that looks like a Youtube login page on another platform, they are much more likely to just enter their login and assume I “trolled” them.

That’s true, however, nobody is going to spend the time to hover over the link (unless you’re paranoid)

Most people logged in with Google anyways. They don’t reenter their password.

YouTube also has a redirect URL, this can be especially bad if social links don’t have any sort of filtering at all. This needs to be restricted to channel pages only.

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I am also aware that it can redirect you to sketchy websites (like free robux websites, or websites with malware or spyware attached to them)

Be safe out there. Don’t get PWNED by hackers!

Edit: It is against ToS to Direct users off platform, Don’t do this at home.


“Most” is a important keyword here. Remember, we aren’t talking about the majority. We are talking about everyone. And if there is even a chance that even one of them could be tricked by a troll link which is a major issue, then that issue should be addressed by Roblox and should be fixed for that one person nevertheless if more then one.

Also, Roblox could also get into trouble for stuff like this.


Twitter is especially bad for this issue. They will log you out of any accounts you are logged into upon visiting their logout link, which is terrible if you are logged into an account you lost the password for. I believe they recently removed their link (not personally going to try), but I wouldn’t put it past the other social linked platforms to have a similar page.

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I am paranoid

also This is not a valid bug report, since this is asking about removing troll social links, which must’ve been to #feature-requests:website-features, I hardly click on social links anyways, and I do pay attention to the link previer. If you think nobody is gonna pay attention then you would believe everyone will get rickrolled huh?

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You may be somewhat right (I’ve worded this more like a feature request), however the intention of “social media links connect your audience to your social media which you can use to market updates, monitor community feedback, and promote your experiences”

Given that the user has the ability to log you out of your social media account means that this feature is NOT working as intended.

“A bug is an unexpected problem with software… that was not anticipated by the developer.”

Allowing other people to log you out of your personal account is not an intended feature.



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Thanks for the report! Just to confirm, we have a ticket filed and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.