CFrame animation plugin!

hi all!
have you ever wanted to hardcode animations, but found figuring out the cframe you wanted difficult and tiresome?
Look no further!
my new plugin makes hardcoding animations 100x easier!

how to use
click the “Toggle rendering” and “Toggle config” buttons
select the rig you want to animate on, and press “Set rig” in the new config window
make a new modulescript, and return a function in the modulescript
example of ideal code inside of modulescript

rig.Torso["Right Shoulder"].Transform = CFrame.Angles(0,0,tick()/2)

(notice, use of the transform property is highly recommended but not required)


Thank you for making this, it could save a lot of my time

I might use this when I do animations and stuff


you’re welcome! I made it because I needed a faster way to make animations. I’m glad im able to help someone!


The link you have provided is to a model, and it is not publicly for sale

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the link goes to a model AND it’s not even for sale

pls fix

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Does that even replicate if you run it client-side? Though I suppose you could just FireAllClients.

terribly sorry! I did all of this super late at night! it should be fixed now.

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To demo the power of this plugin, I made npc animations using only this plugin!

the animations look extremely smooth and are done all via script, meaning that you can use this in any game without having to reupload animations.


edit (sorry! misread post!)
It doest not. I recommend having the animation set via attributes, and then running renderstepped code on all clients to run the animation. the upsides to hardcoded animations consist of having variable based cframes (ex making the character look towards the player) and much more control over the animation, at the cost of more effort.

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I’m not sure I understand how to implement this, can you post code/implementation with similar results to the video as an example? This seems like an extremely useful plugin, I’d like to learn how to use it


I am a bit confused on how to get this working…it seems like a well made plugin and would make things 10x easier. Do you have any sort of test place that we can check out?

animationExample.rbxl (33.9 KB)
I made a demo place to represent how to use it! the modulescript in the animations folder in replicatedstorage is a valid anim

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Thank you! I appreciate it and will be using this plugin for now on :smile:

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I dont really understand its to convert animation to cframe animation ?

its to create cframe animations. its merely a tool to assist in the creation of cframe animations.

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Thank god, this plugin helps a lot with creating animations since ACS want’s CFrame animations

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It can be changed to have KeyFrame animations, pretty sure it’s already a thing, as well you can use modded versions of like 7chons or Chunk Engine

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Im not sure if youll respond to this anymore, but is there a way to play the animations server sided?