CFrame before parented to workspace?

I’m going to assume it’s because of that Motor6D that’s welded to a Root

because there are some issues you can see the aura in its origianl position before it cframes onto the player and its just not clean in my eyes.

There is a motor6D on one of the parts , if I disable it then it works perfectly fine, what im trying to find out is why does the motor6D effect it like that?

Probably because of the way welds work. I don’t have a specific answer but I assume it’s because the weld isn’t active until it gets parented, so the game automatically gives it a lesser priority

I tried to help but if that wasn’t your solution then idk what else to do

thing is I weld every part to the sudo ‘HumanoidRootPart’ while its in the workspace and everything is conneted to the hrp, so all i do in the script is weld the hrp to the characters hrp and everything should be sunshine and rainbows but no

Then get rid of the weld? It sounds like you already knew what was causing it and a workaround. It’ll probably be in ReplicatedStorage at some point anyways

what do you mean get rid of the weld?

I meant Motor6D. you’re also cloning in the whole rig I think, can’t tell because it’s far away


Only thing being cloned is the hrp, Also cant get rid of the motor6d because it’ll be used for animating the rig

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Animating the rig or the character with the aura? You should have the animation rig for the aura separate from the actual aura and then make the motor6d inside the script

Its for animating the Spinner thingy but I suppose i could write the motor6D in the script but it would be the same thing.

Well you never changed the Part0 to the root so that’s probably where the issues were coming from

Part0 is the root though The HRP is being cloned at its full and placed in afolder in the character

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So the character would have 2 separate root parts? Then you’ll need an animation controller inside that one. It would be easier to make a Motor6D inside the character when they spawn in, and then if the aura needs it you can just connect the Motor and play an animation

I know in the future im going to have more than one Motor6D for each part thing that needs animating so that wont do, But i get the gist of what you’re saying and i think it makes sense, might rethink the way im doing it right now, ill let you know

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Alright, I have to go now, it’s late