CFrame before parented to workspace?

This video speaks for itself but basically why does it do that? and how can i get around this issue, and even if that task.wait on line 34 is commented out, or any number small number, it would still act like the 2nd half of the video. I dont get why it does this im setting the CFrame of the humanoid yet it still does this

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make sure the aura is unanchored & massless. that will make sure it can’t affect the character when welded

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I’m confused on what your issue is. The delay or something else?

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it already is all of that, the thing is if i set the parent to workspace, wait a little bit then set the cframe to the character everything is fine, but if i do that without a task.wait() the character teleports to the aura instead

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Can you send your code here as text so it’s easier to read?

            Part.Parent = Character:FindFirstChild("Auras")
			Part.CFrame = Corresponding_Part.CFrame	
			local Weld_Constraint ="WeldConstraint", Part)
			Weld_Constraint.Part0 = Corresponding_Part
			Weld_Constraint.Part1 = Part

			Part.Anchored = false
			Part.Massless = true
			Part.CanTouch = false
			--Part.Transparency = 1
			Part.CanCollide = false

			Part.CFrame = Corresponding_Part.CFrame			
			Part.Parent = Character:FindFirstChild("Auras")
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I think I see the issue. Before you make the weld and parent the part, all the properties should be set, including the position.

So something like this:

Part.Anchored = false
Part.Massless = true
Part.CanCollide = false
Part.CanTouch = false

Part.CFrame = Corresponding_Part.CFrame

-- Create the weld

Part.Parent = Character:FindFirstChild("Auras")
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okay so to be clear the problem im having is that if i set the CFrame BEFORE i parent to workspace the part just cframe the cframe

already tried this, the problem is ^^

What do you mean the part just CFrame the CFrame?

take a look at this Dropbox - 2024-03-29 00-15-50.mp4 - Simplify your life

Your code does not reflect what I said. You need to parent it last. After the weld and properties are set.

My man, I’ve told you I already tried that, i’ve been messing with this for quite a bit now there isnt much i haven’t tried, and like i said I NEED to parent it before setting the CFrame and i NEED to set the CFrame before i weld

You sent a video of you not trying what I said. I did this the other day. Just set the CFrame and properties, make the weld, then parent it

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What is the source variable coming from, what I sent should’ve worked. Also I’m confused because it looked like it worked in the other video at the end

Source is the ‘Parts’ Folder

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The aura might be welded to the dummy as well

man im really confused on if you watched the video, im not trying to sound rude or disrespectful but like i said earlier if i parent it THEN i set the cframe it works perfectly fine

What’s the point of this post then? I thought it wasn’t working