CFrame datatype page contains confusing table + argument name combo

The page on the CFrame datatype has a table that is confusing when paired with the argument names used later in one of the constructors:

I interpreted these to mean that the constructor’s 4th through 6th arguments were the components of its RightVector, when this is not the case. In fact, the 4th, 7th, and 10th arguments are the components of the RightVector.

This confusion could be resolved by either using separate names for the matrix pieces or by renaming the table entries.


The current table is very confusing, considering XVector is the same as RightVector.

The table lists the names in the table weirdly, shouldn’t the second column first row element be R01 not R10? For instance the CFrame Math Operations article uses [row][column], not [column][row].

A better table would be

R00 R01 R02
R10 R11 R12
R20 R21 R22

Probably a bit off topic but still about confusing API reference pages.

The most egregious offender in my opinion. Now it does tell you the most simple and straight forward way of using magnitude, but it does not give you a practical example, or at the very least, a simple magnitude function for checking if something is within a given radius. (It does tell you how to check the distance however, which is only half of what you need to know.)

Now this might just be me and the several other people who’ve all told me that they had no idea how to use magnitude until someone who had also struggled with figuring it out told them. The number one reason for this to be the case was mainly just from a lack of clarity on the documentation and the lack of a practical example, even though magnitude is a very common, if not one of the more popular forms of hit detection or position checking. Roblox or whoever maintains the article for it has for whatever reason, decided to not use include even the most barebones of examples on it.

Sure there’s tutorials that tell you how it works but personally I learn very little from those, even if they tell me precisely how to do the thing I want to do. (I’m sure i’m not the only person who has this problem with roblox tutorials)

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