I am creating a gun kit, but stumbled upon a problem with positioning the view model. Whenever i try to loop
VIEWMODEL.PrimaryPart.CFrame = CAMERA.CFrame
The results come out really choppy and glitchy in the end. I have tried tweening and lerping that doesn’t help alot.
I think you should show more of the script.
This is done under a RunService step?
Tha CAMERA.CFrame doesnt need an offset to position it right where you want it?
Since this is based on the camera, you’ll want to use RenderStepped to ensure it can keep up with the player’s frame rate.
Are there anything else should be added?
It’s kind of depends, but if camera is the CurrentCamera then I think that’s all you need.
Thanks that was a fast solution lol
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February 9, 2023, 3:38pm
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