CFrame manipulation either too snappy or too quick

Please I really need help on this one.
I’m trying to make the floating part tilt on the direction where its going however it’s either too snappy or inaccurate.

Please help and thank you.

local springVelocity =, 0, 0)
local springPosition =, 0, 0)
local tweenGoalRotation = 0
local tweenStartRotation = 0
local tweenCurrentRotation = 0
local tweenAlpha = 1

local function translate(px, pz, r)
	if (r == 0) then
		return px, pz
	elseif (r == 1) then
		return -pz, px
	elseif (r == 2) then
		return -px, -pz
	elseif (r == 3) then
		return pz, -px

local function angleLerp(a, b, d)
	local x1, y1 = math.cos(a), math.sin(a)
	local x2, y2 = math.cos(b), math.sin(b)

	return math.atan2(y1 + (y2 - y1) * d, x1 + (x2 - x1) * d)

local function _doLeanCtrl()
	--	local prevPos = droot.Position

	--  local nextPos = _starterModel.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,2,3)
	local currentPosition = prevPos
	local springPosition = nextPos.Position
	local cr = 0

	springVelocity = (springVelocity + (currentPosition - springPosition)) * INTERPOLATION_DAMP * 60 * _dt

	springPosition += springVelocity

	local extentsX, extentsZ = translate(CF.Position.X, CF.Position.Z, cr)

	local vx, vz = 9 * springVelocity:Dot(, 0, 0))/math.abs(extentsX), 9 * springVelocity:Dot(, 0, droot.CFrame.Position.Z))/math.abs(extentsZ)
	local r

	if (not floatEqual(tweenGoalRotation, cr * math.pi/2)) then
		tweenStartRotation = tweenCurrentRotation
		tweenGoalRotation = cr * math.pi/2
		tweenAlpha = 0

	if (tweenAlpha < 1) then
		tweenAlpha = math.min(1, tweenAlpha + _dt/ROTATION_SPEED)
		tweenCurrentRotation = angleLerp(tweenStartRotation, tweenGoalRotation, 1 - (1 - tweenAlpha)^2)
		r = tweenCurrentRotation
		r = cr * math.pi/2

	local effectAngle = CFrame.Angles(math.sqrt(math.abs(vz/100)) * math.sign(vz), 0, math.sqrt(math.abs(vx/100)) * math.sign(vx)) 

	return effectAngle * CFrame.Angles(0, r, 0)