I’m already pretty decent at scripting however CFrame manipulation specifically related to rotation has always bugged me, because for some reason you cant just edit a simplified property like Position:
I’m currently trying to combine a CFrame containing a position, with a CFrame containing simply a Y rotation to create a CFrame containing a position and rotation around the Y axis (like how a turret would function). I have both CFrames, however the problem is I dont know how to extract the Y orientation value from the rotated CFrame to then use to combine with the position CFrame? This is my current code where i tried using LookVector to get the rotation of the CFrame, however I dont actually know how to convert this unit vector into a normal orientation vector like you would see in the Property tab of an instance like a BasePart.
bumping as of right now however i will not be able to respond anymore today as i go to sleep; if you see this in the meantime please ask questions incase you are unsure of anything i have explained to at least give me something to reply to quickly once i return tomorrow
local Position = StartingPointAttachment.WorldPosition
local Direction = DirectionalForStart.Position
StartingPoint = CFrame.new(Position) * CFrame.Angles(0, CFrame.lookAt(Position, Direction).Rotation.Y, 0)
yes, the “directionalforstart” variable is my rotated on x,y,x cframe using cframe.lookat, but it sadly isnt as simple as you have shown in your code example;
even when you do .Rotation.Y, .Rotation gives me my only rotated cframe, but .Y doesnt actually give me the Y value to this rotation, it instead gives me the Y value of the position which will be 0 if .Rotation clears this
dw anyway, i found a workaround for this problem and dont really need the answer anymore other than just for CFrame manipulation wisdom lmao, also sorry for the very late reply