CFrame offset issue

So I am making a module that attaches parts to the camera and I need to make an offset, the problem is

  1. the offset doesn’t work
  2. the offset does some weird artifacts like this (low quality)

Code :

obj.CFrame = cam.CFrame + cam.CFrame.LookVector * (ZOffset * (cam.FieldOfView / 70)) +, YOffset, nil)
--This is the only line that is handling the part's position according to the camera
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In your current code XOffset and YOffset are not being applied relative to the camera CFrame, try this instead:

obj.CFrame = cam.CFrame *, YOffset, -ZOffset * (cam.FieldOfView / 70))

if you want to keep part orientation constant:

obj.CFrame = *, YOffset, -ZOffset * (cam.FieldOfView / 70)))
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okay now the offset thing works thank you !

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