I don’t know why roblox makes it so hard to rotate something, but I just can’t seem to move a model 34 studs on the X from the last plate in a row without rotating it weird. I want it to just be the same rotation but it doesnnt work for some reason. i’ve tried everyting look at my other posts can someone hlep me with it please!?!
||local amountOfRows = #platesFolder:GetChildren()|
||local lastRow = platesFolder:FindFirstChild(Row..tostring(amountOfRows))|
||local lastPlate = lastRow:FindFirstChild(Plate)|
||local newXPos = lastPlate.CFrame.Position.X|
||local oldYPos = winnersPlace.PrimaryPart.CFrame.Position.Y|
||local oldZPos = winnersPlace.PrimaryPart.CFrame.Position.Z|
||winnersPlace:MoveTo(Vector3.new(newXPos, oldYPos, oldZPos))|